Sunday, October 5, 2014

I've been so caught up in finding an apartment or a dig or homestay... pretty much ANYWHERE that's within walking distance to DIT Bolton that I'm slipping on my school work. I have a Measurements exam that I desperately need to study for but I've spent this entire weekend contacting hosts and sleeping and landlords instead. I know there were students in the Dublin Housing facebook pages complaining about a lack of accommodation in the city but dang! I didn't know it was this rough. I've actually had host moms tell me my stay was way too long and that they couldn't help me out... landlords who prefer only Chinese tenants... give me a break :( Sigh. Hopefully this won't happen to you when you study abroad. Hopefully your host institution has dorms or a homestay plan set up. But I guess this is what really makes the "Study Abroad Experience". Whatever. It's so annoying trying to find housing halfway around the world in a country or continent you've never been to :(

Oh, and I also have to finalize my Gilman International Scholarship essays so I can submit it by tomorrow night... I don't want to wait until the day it's actually due. *CROSS YOUR FINGERS SO THAT I GET THIS SCHOLARSHIP. PLEASE! IT'LL HELP ME KEEP MY GOAL OF GRADUATING DEBT FREE*

p.s. I know a lot of students despise LabVIEW and I actually hate this measurements class but I can appreciate it.


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