Monday, October 13, 2014


FOR ONE, I BOUGHT MY TICKET YESTERDAY!! I wanted to write about it soooo badly but as soon as I bought it I had to run off to work, then go study. I would have done it earlier today but I had class, work, and project meetings. BUT HERE I AM! WRITING TO YOU.

Yesterday was so surreal, oh my goodness. I bought a ticket to EUROPE. My first time there will be a 5 month stay. Holy cow. Not only that but I FOUND HOUSING ACCOMMODATION! YAAAAY! It's a 20 minute walk from campus, near the River Liffey. It's a three person apartment. 3 Single rooms, 1 shared bathroom. I booked it with so I will be living with two other international female students. The total cost for that is €2880 per semester. It would have been
€1980 for a shared room. But I value privacy more than anything.

Now I know I said I was looking for a homestay and my reason for that was again privacy. I didn't expect to find an affordable single room apartment. But my mom and I talked about it and living with a stranger didn't sit well with her.  I honestly didn't care too if it was a host family or not. But I really wanted a host family that would provide meals. A lot of the ones I came across were either too expensive (ironically) or out of the way. A monthly public transportation pass is 100 (or around $130)! That's ridiculous. Here in Orlando, it's $50. So I knew I needed a place very close to the city center so that I wouldn't have to rely on public transportation. I wanted most things to be within walking distance.

And the more that I think about it, I just want the "college experience" of living in an apartment with roommates. I don't have that here in Orlando since I live at home. I'm losing the guidance of a host family but I'm sure I'll gain a ton of independence living on my own. (Well that was really cliche, wasn't it)

Anyway, I'm done with the sappy stuff. I should make a list of places in Ireland I want to visit. Cliffs of Moher is definitely at the top.



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