Friday, April 17, 2015

I was halfway in my trip in Norway before I randomly had a breakdown and realized there were a couple courses that I had not properly prepared for and exams were quickly approaching! My biggest worries for my classes were:

Mechanics of Materials -- a very interesting class but it to moved much faster than I wanted it to... there's six topics that were taught and we have to know four fairly well for the exam. I only knew 1 fairly confidently and only had about a month to review the other three.

Engineering Management -- I chose this class because it fit nicely in my schedule but neither I nor the lovely folks at UCF knew it was a two semester class. This left me to learn both the material from this semester but from the last semester as well. I had no issue with this semester's content since I'd never missed a class. It's last semester's that I'm worried about. The other thing with this class is that the first semester was the continuous assessment part (which I hadn't been a part of) so that left my end of semester exam as the sole grade. Lots of pressure...

Materials Properties and Processing -- I have very little issues with this class. I'm enjoying it and am learning a lot.

Irish Studies -- one of the most interesting professors I've had in a while. I hate writing essays but it's not that bad when the content is interesting. I've made plenty of international friends in this class and that's awesome!!!


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